Impressions from December | A personal photography project

  1. […] continue through the circle and see what Lena Antaramian is sharing this month. Then continue clicking through the circle till you make it back here – I […]

  2. Vinita says:

    Spot on Lena! Loving the look into your lives! Very special!

  3. Antonina Mamzenko says:

    You are so right Lena – it’s so difficult being a photographer and beating yourself up about not having perfect pictures everyday. But what we forget is that even just taking photos is important – so well done you! 🙂

  4. Kim Rodgers says:

    Loved these Lena!! I’ve been trying to take more snapshots. These are gorgeous.

  5. Natalie says:

    You are absolutely right about the pressures we put on ourselves for perfect photos. When I take a step back I frequently find it’s the imperfect ones that capture the true moments we want to remember… and many of my favourite photos are actually taken with the iPhone! Love this peek into your stay-cation 🙂

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