Best of 2010 | Ridgewood New Jersey Children and Family photographer

  1. Marie Suozzo says:

    Those chocolate drop eyes get you every time!

  2. Elayne says:

    Wow, these pictures are absolutely amazing!! It will be a tough competition, but my decision was easy since I’m biased on one in particular…. Good luck to all!!

  3. Tracy Elder says:

    This is what having kids is all about!!

  4. Nicole Hough says:

    lena – you are so talented. I love them all. I am such a sucker for tutus tho 🙂 xo, Nicole

  5. Josephine Falco says:

    Love your work! I picked “That’s Life” because it was so telling of a day in the life with small children. Happy, Cranky and Sleeping..right now with a set of 15 month old twins, that is exactly the mood of each and every day!

  6. Julie says:


    I love ALL of the images but “First Time at the Beach” really made me smile. That look of “should I or shouldn’t I?” is priceless.

    -Julie Tomasella

  7. Allison says:

    Can’t resist those beautiful brown eyes.

  8. Lietze says:


    wow, amaing pictures. hard to choose from 🙂

  9. Maureen O'Brien says:

    #4, Nice Wheels is a classic! A stirring family portrait, with all the timeless elements of art: serene female beauty, parental and still lover-like affection, the so-happy innocence of a devilishly-handsome toddler cavorting on his trike, and a setting that could be a European Grand Tour garden. The perspective is quietly inspired. Black and white is so right for this. Well done to the artist!!(and the subjects.) A happy coincidence?

    I must say that nearly all the images are pretty memorable. Not an easy choice, but I absolutely prefer Nice Wheels over all.

  10. Kristy says:

    Your pictures are beautiful Lena, and the moments captured are precious. My personal favorite is the belly laugh because it just totally captures that little girl’s joy!

  11. Wonderful images! it was too hard to choose 😉 Congratulations on a fabulous year

  12. Hope says:

    Beautiful pictures! Great job. Kudos to you.

  13. Corey Siembieda says:

    You’re an amazing talent! I could have voted for each one! Congrats on a year of beautiful work.

  14. Bonnie Smith says:

    Your pictures are amazing. They make me smile, laugh, even tear up 🙂 My favorite is “Nice Wheels”… looks timeless. Thank you for sharing some of your favorite pictures. I will definitely be booking a session with you soon.

  15. Alison Stephens says:

    I really liked the peek-a-boo photo, number 15. The natural setting works as a great backdrop. The leaves are interesting on their own, yet are uniform enough as to not detract from the subject. The child peeking through the leaves is cute and gives a nice candid effect.

  16. Katie DeSantis says:

    I love your pictures- absolutely priceless!

  17. […] was very excited to to check the results of the contest this morning because I had no idea who would win.  The race was VERY close with less than ONE […]

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